Last week i happened to watch the fianal shortlisted 9 one act playsfor Purushottam Karandak in Bharat Natymandirl,Pune.My friend Vitthal kale ,who is maverick in this field was with me..The number of computer and internet related one act plays were big in number,as there names run thus.,,,,Page not found,Sign out,Farmwell, and so on..
The one act play 'page not found',which got first prize is the biting coment on present technically virtual of the character in this play says to his father to come online so that they can extend their mutual discussion.the virtual reallity created by cyberpunky world is so obsessive that he is totally unaware of his family and the pining ignoring the real parential suggestions he get engrossed in the virtually created family,which he thinks,care for him.
The one Act play 'Naav(नाव)' which was based on the poem 'मास्तर तुमचच नाव लिवा' by noted poet Narayan Surve.I loved it most.the idea that one poem can insire to write this wellwrought play...
Now a days im having the actual theatrical least of watching very minutely the intricacies.
its good.....
सारे विसरोत याचे वाईट ना वाटे मला./ वाटते वाईट त्यांना विसरता येईना मला./ वाचला वेदांत अन क्षणमात्र त्यांना विसरलो./ दोस्तहो दुस-या क्षणी वेदांत सारा विसरलो./
सदस्यता लें
टिप्पणियाँ भेजें (Atom)
परममित्र प्रकाशनाच्या श्री माधव जोशी यांचं दु:खद निधन
परममित्र प्रकाशनाचे PARAM MITRA Publications श्री माधव जोशी यांचं निधन झाल्याचं वृत्त अत्यंत धक्कादायक आहे. त्यांना भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजली. ...

निर्माणों के पावन युगमे हम चरित्र निर्माण न भूले स्वार्थ साधना की आंधीमे वसुधा का कल्याण न ना भूले माना अगम अगाध सिन्धु है संघर्षो का प...
तर्कतीर्थ लक्ष्मण शास्त्री जोशी "लोकमान्य टिळक केसरीतील निवडक लेखसंग्रह" या साहित्य अकादमीने प्रकाशित केलेल्या पुस्तकाच्या प्रस...
भाषा ही जीवनमूल्यांचे संचित देते : पद्मश्री डॉ गणेश देवी ठाण्यातील विद्या प्रसारक मंडळाच्या जोशी-बेडेकर महाविद्यालयातर्फे कै डॉ वा ना बेडेकर...
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