चरगो आफ़ताब गुम बडी हसीन रात थी /
शबाब की नकाब गुम बडी हसीन रात थी /
लबोसे लब जो मिल गये लबोसे लब जो सिल गये /
सवाल गुम जवाब गुम बडी हसीन रात थी /
लिख था जिस किताब मे कि इश्क तो हराम है /
हुई वही किताब गुम बडी हसीन रात थी //
सुदर्शन फ़ाकीर…..
last day i have gone through one gazal which is so charmaing.
how the last night was good one and every facet of ur beauty added the flavour in it.
सारे विसरोत याचे वाईट ना वाटे मला./ वाटते वाईट त्यांना विसरता येईना मला./ वाचला वेदांत अन क्षणमात्र त्यांना विसरलो./ दोस्तहो दुस-या क्षणी वेदांत सारा विसरलो./
मंगलवार, 20 जुलाई 2010
शुक्रवार, 16 जुलाई 2010
Set/netची तयारी करणा-या सर्वांना
हा सेट झालेला गि-हाईक वाटतो /
फार मोठा घोळ झाला वाटतो /
लिटररी त्या टर्म्स त्याने पाठ केल्या /
पण अब्राहम अन उडाला वाटतो //१//
बिगिनिंग थिअरि पाठ झाल्याचे कळाले/
पिटर बारि गुप्त झाला वाटतो //२//
पाठ केल्या सर्व संद्न्या घोकूनी /
घोकलेल्या ओकताना लाजतो /३//
कितीही लिहिली लक्ष देवून प्रश्नपत्रे /
प्रश्न आमुचा ना निकाली लागतो //४//
झिजून गेल्या खुर्च्या जयकर लायब्ररीच्या /
काही घंटा कळ्त नाही जे वाचतो //५//
डब्बा खाऊन पेंगताना त्रस्त झालो /
थांब बाबा मी जरासा झोपतो //६//
हा सेट झालेला गि-हाईक वाटतो /
फार मोठा घोळ झाला वाटतो //
Namaste .here im again with a new gazal which mainly concerns to those students who are preparing for SET exam which is schedduled on 8 th August.
here are some references which may only understood by limited number of students.it is a lampoon on the tragic condition and miserable situation of hundreds of students ,consistantly studying (rather pretending) in Jaykar Liabrary which is famous abode for literary pilgrims.
im also the part of them and written it neutrally by just observing the facts.All characters and situations discribed in present poem are fictitious.Resemlence with anyone is merely a co-incidence.
फार मोठा घोळ झाला वाटतो /
लिटररी त्या टर्म्स त्याने पाठ केल्या /
पण अब्राहम अन उडाला वाटतो //१//
बिगिनिंग थिअरि पाठ झाल्याचे कळाले/
पिटर बारि गुप्त झाला वाटतो //२//
पाठ केल्या सर्व संद्न्या घोकूनी /
घोकलेल्या ओकताना लाजतो /३//
कितीही लिहिली लक्ष देवून प्रश्नपत्रे /
प्रश्न आमुचा ना निकाली लागतो //४//
झिजून गेल्या खुर्च्या जयकर लायब्ररीच्या /
काही घंटा कळ्त नाही जे वाचतो //५//
डब्बा खाऊन पेंगताना त्रस्त झालो /
थांब बाबा मी जरासा झोपतो //६//
हा सेट झालेला गि-हाईक वाटतो /
फार मोठा घोळ झाला वाटतो //
Namaste .here im again with a new gazal which mainly concerns to those students who are preparing for SET exam which is schedduled on 8 th August.
here are some references which may only understood by limited number of students.it is a lampoon on the tragic condition and miserable situation of hundreds of students ,consistantly studying (rather pretending) in Jaykar Liabrary which is famous abode for literary pilgrims.
im also the part of them and written it neutrally by just observing the facts.All characters and situations discribed in present poem are fictitious.Resemlence with anyone is merely a co-incidence.
शनिवार, 10 जुलाई 2010
Da vinci code.
last week i have read Dan Brown's bestseller "Da Vinci Code".As i was so engrossed in the reading that it gave me the pure joy of reading.i was not that much curious before.Being a student of English literature and after insistence of Dr. Shirish Chindhade, i had studied some of Bible,which gave me added interest in reading the book. the foundation on which the whole christianity is based seems to be wrong and fabricated.
How the golden history of women in large had been suppressed and the dominance of Mary Magdalene among the disciples of Jesus had been conveniently surpassed by male apostles,was the main concern.
i wonder why the Feminist Critics have not accounted about this crucial issue of Holy Grail.How history can be so silent on those issues under the overwhelming dominance of Church.
As Nepolian said and quoted by Dan Brown in the book as " history is the convenient account or prefabricated fairy tales shaped by dominant classes or ruling classes"
The New Testament which we take as pure and serene is the biggest lie.Jesus was undoubtedly great man but on the name of him Church had overpowered the Continent.
its really fruitful adventure to read Da Vinci Code.just i have seen the Movie on the same.
good nite,....
How the golden history of women in large had been suppressed and the dominance of Mary Magdalene among the disciples of Jesus had been conveniently surpassed by male apostles,was the main concern.
i wonder why the Feminist Critics have not accounted about this crucial issue of Holy Grail.How history can be so silent on those issues under the overwhelming dominance of Church.
As Nepolian said and quoted by Dan Brown in the book as " history is the convenient account or prefabricated fairy tales shaped by dominant classes or ruling classes"
The New Testament which we take as pure and serene is the biggest lie.Jesus was undoubtedly great man but on the name of him Church had overpowered the Continent.
its really fruitful adventure to read Da Vinci Code.just i have seen the Movie on the same.
good nite,....
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)
परममित्र प्रकाशनाच्या श्री माधव जोशी यांचं दु:खद निधन
परममित्र प्रकाशनाचे PARAM MITRA Publications श्री माधव जोशी यांचं निधन झाल्याचं वृत्त अत्यंत धक्कादायक आहे. त्यांना भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजली. ...

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