On This Rakshabandhan ,Sanskrit Day was observed throughout Maharashtra as usual.i remember on this occasion i used to deliver lecture during my graduation days on the specialities of Sanskrit Language and its wonder.Now i think we have to be more conscious about this Language.One of My Friend Shreedhar Kamble has given me the Autobiography Of Dr.Ambedkar compiled by Shankarrao Kharat. This is One of the Most influential Book i ever read. In this book Dr.Ambedkar observed and said i Quote ...............
"Sanskrit is very good language and I am proud of it.By little practice i m now able to read and write it.i Want to learn it.."
Whatever is the reason this language has passed its golden days.Some scholars assert that it is a dead language.
i am totally convinced that its wrong.As last year's Dnyanpeeth Award which is supposed to be very precious in literature has confered upon Dr.Satyvrat Shastri for his magnificient poetry in sanskrit..
This itself is living truth that sanskrit is not dead language.
Here are some Practical Suggesstions to rejuvenate the state of Sanskrit Language.
1)We have to think sanskrit as language only not a religious entity,because in sanskrit we find Shankaracharya as well as Charvaka also,certain amount of Buddhist writing is also in Sanskrit.How Language can be relilgious ..
2)we should delve deep in to the ocean of Sanskrit as it not only contain Vedas,Upanishadas,Geeta but it has scientific scriptures also.For Example Shulbasutras of Bodhayana tells about Pythagoras Theorem which is told by him before 2000 years before Pythagorus.
3)This language can excel and improve our pronounciation ,memory and freshness.
4)We need a lobby of Scientists to Study Sanskrit Text to uncover the hidden wisdom of its science as hundreds of books and manuscripts are in thr dire needy condition .
5)We need joint institutes of sanskrit and science like IIT Pawai Where Dr.Malhar Kulkarni ,a noted grammarian of Sanskrit works for this purpose.
6)Be out of the prejudice that it is the language of Brahmins..Thr reality is that not mich Brahmins know it .
7)Sanskrit Bharati is the organization which works for welfare of sanskrit ,so we can prescribe for their Monthly magazine Sambhashan Sandesh,...
Let us be cheerful and look for positive points to tevive Sanskrit.
happy Sanskrit Day and Happy Rakshabandhan ..
सारे विसरोत याचे वाईट ना वाटे मला./ वाटते वाईट त्यांना विसरता येईना मला./ वाचला वेदांत अन क्षणमात्र त्यांना विसरलो./ दोस्तहो दुस-या क्षणी वेदांत सारा विसरलो./
शुक्रवार, 27 अगस्त 2010
शुक्रवार, 13 अगस्त 2010
some gazals by Suresh Bhat
चंद्र आता मावळाया लागला
प्राण माझाही ढळाया लागला
काय तो वेडा इथेही बोलला
हा शहाणाही चळाया लागला?
हाक दाराने मला जेव्हा दिली
उंबरा मागे वळाया लागला
बेरका होता दिलासा मानभावी धीर होता
पाठ राखायास माझी लाघवी खंजीर होता
मी जरी हासून आता बोलतो आहे ऋतूंशी
ऐन तारुण्यात माझा चेहरा गंभीर होता
these are some excellent gazal quotations from the web site Marathi gazal ;ek akhand maiphal.
it is very good website for new gazal writers.
rally cool
चंद्र आता मावळाया लागला
प्राण माझाही ढळाया लागला
काय तो वेडा इथेही बोलला
हा शहाणाही चळाया लागला?
हाक दाराने मला जेव्हा दिली
उंबरा मागे वळाया लागला
बेरका होता दिलासा मानभावी धीर होता
पाठ राखायास माझी लाघवी खंजीर होता
मी जरी हासून आता बोलतो आहे ऋतूंशी
ऐन तारुण्यात माझा चेहरा गंभीर होता
these are some excellent gazal quotations from the web site Marathi gazal ;ek akhand maiphal.
it is very good website for new gazal writers.
rally cool
How soon hath Time,the subtlethief of youth,
stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year.
Its really fecticious to know that ,great english poet John Milton had written above wonderful poem on his 23rd Birthday and i have gone through it while i was preparing for set exam.
The exam was excellent one and i have attempted the full paper.
stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year.
Its really fecticious to know that ,great english poet John Milton had written above wonderful poem on his 23rd Birthday and i have gone through it while i was preparing for set exam.
The exam was excellent one and i have attempted the full paper.
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)
परममित्र प्रकाशनाच्या श्री माधव जोशी यांचं दु:खद निधन
परममित्र प्रकाशनाचे PARAM MITRA Publications श्री माधव जोशी यांचं निधन झाल्याचं वृत्त अत्यंत धक्कादायक आहे. त्यांना भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजली. ...

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